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Question Marks Sentence Correction Fix the Sentence Worksheets Kindergarten 1st Grade


This Question Marks writing sentences resource includes a selection of worksheets suitable for Kindergarten and 1st Grade students who are learning about sentence structure. Each worksheet includes 1 sentence that needs fixing and space for your student to draw the sentence allowing them to practise their reading comprehension skills. Children look at the sentences then fix them by adding in capital letters and the correct punctuation (question marks) as well as finger spaces when asked to. Students can use the answer key to develop their self and peer assessment skills by correcting their own work. 


Product Overview


  • Covers sentence structure - capital letters and punctuation
  • Covers reading comprehension 
  • Suitable for Kindergarten and 1st Grade students
  • Includes 60 worksheets
  • 1 sentence on each page
  • Differentiated
  • Includes full answer key
  • Words used are mainly decodable to encourage independent working
  • Focuses on question marks


Full Description


Children read each sentence then re-write it correctly by adding a capital letter and question mark and sometimes finger spaces. Children then draw a picture of the corrected sentence in the space provided.


This pack is differentiated as explained below.


  • 30 pages - Capital letters & question marks with a selection of simple sentences as well as more complex sentences. 
  • 30 pages - Capital letters, question marks and finger spaces with a selection of simple sentences and more complex sentences. 


How to use this resource


As there are 60 different worksheets this sentence writing resource can easily be used with your entire class ensuring each student receives a different worksheet. 


As this sentence structure resource is differentiated as explained above you are sure to find an activity to suit the needs of all your students.


This Question Mark focused sentence writing activity can also be used in smaller groups or as a Literacy center. You can either laminate the worksheets or place them in a dry erase pocket before use. As you can then complete them using dry erase markers they can be wiped out and used again and again giving your students lots of practise at correcting sentences!


Question Marks Sentence Correction Worksheets

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