Image Credit - David Lezcano -
Finally, it is Summer break! After an exhausting, full-on year it can be tricky to switch off and enjoy your well-earned holiday. To help with that, here are 10 things all teachers should do over the Summer.
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Learn something new
Use your Summer break to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby. This could be learning to play a musical instrument, photography, gardening, or painting. The Summer break will give you plenty of time to learn and develop a new skill. Summer break could also be the perfect time to complete some professional development that you are interested in. There are lots of free courses out there that allow you to develop your knowledge and skills. The Open University is a great place to start if you are looking for some free professional development courses. Just click here to check them out!
Read a new book
Take some time to read a new book (that is not school-related). Are you like me and have a small pile of books on your nightstand that you eventually plan to read? The Summer break is the perfect time to relax and read a book purely for enjoyment. Check out for some inspiration.
Binge watch a TV series
Have you been adding TV shows to your watchlist with the plan to watch them at some point? The Summer break is the perfect time to binge-watch one of your shows guilt-free! If you are not sure what series to choose, ask friends and family for some recommendations. Or, live a little dangerously and choose one of the trending TV shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Catch up with family & friends
Use your Summer break to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Your Summer holiday is the perfect time to reconnect with people that you have maybe been too busy to keep in touch with during the school year.
Do a massive clear out
The Summer break is the perfect time to de-clutter. This could be your wardrobe, kitchen cupboards, or your entire house! De-cluttering can be great for your mental health and will make housework easier when you return to school. Once you have decided what things you are getting rid of you could donate them to charity or even sell some things on eBay or Depop to make a little extra money.
Meet up with teacher friends
Meeting up with teacher friends is another thing you can do during your Summer break. Spending social time with teacher colleagues outwith the school environment is a great way to unwind especially if you chat about things other than school!
Do something active
Getting your body moving is another must-do for teachers during the Summer holidays. This could be going for a run or walk, doing some yoga, or even committing to joining a fitness class. If you are stuck for ideas, there are lots of fun fitness videos on YouTube to try out as well as tonnes of fitness apps.
Cook or bake something delicious
During the school year, it can often seem like we just do not have time to cook or bake something from scratch. Use this extra time during the Summer to experiment in the kitchen and try out a new recipe. If you see yourself as a bit of a chef you could even invite a few friends over and cook them dinner? Pinterest is a great place to browse lots of delicious recipe ideas.
Enjoy a getaway
Looking for a change of scenery during your Summer break? Booking a trip is a great way to truly have a break from everything. Whether you opt for a staycation or jet off to an exotic spot, exploring somewhere new will allow you to get away from it all and recharge.
Have a lazy day
This one might be trickier to do than you think, as us teachers always feel like we have to be busy doing something ( or at least I do!). The Summer break is the perfect time to spend a day doing absolutely NOTHING! And I hope you agree you deserve it!